Full interaction with Software FX products without the hassles of trial installation

The Software FX Virtual Trial platform is a simulated Visual Studio 2005 shell that allows you to test and enjoy the powerful design-time experience that our products have to offer without requiring a lengthy download or installation process. In addition, you don’t need to provide serial numbers or personal information or even have Visual Studio installed on your machine.

The Software FX Virtual Trial platform uses Microsoft’s Click-Once technology to avoid the usual and disturbing deployment limitations of browser-based components. The Virtual Trial also provides auto-updating capabilities as well as safe and isolated application management allowing Software FX to enable developers to test additional products and components without requiring additional downloads. Simply click on the simulated Visual Studio Toolbox and select another Software FX product to test.

With the Virtual Trial you will be able to interact with a fully functional control on the design surface. For your convenience, the control is docked to the form allowing you to resize the Visual Studio shell and the control you are testing for a higher level of detail. In addition, the control comes with a fully functional properties list and Smart Tag Wizards.

To make the process even easier, we have integrated pre-built data sources for a variety of scenarios and complex charting. This means you will be able to test charts with actual data that leads to other chart types and visualization scenarios.

Finally, the Virtual Trial even allows you to run the application and interact with the controls as if you were an end user. Allowing you to test the magnificent end user experience that our products provide. It really feels like you’re using Visual Studio, just give it a try!

Getting started with Virtual Trial

To get started with Software FX Virtual Trial, simply click on Run Software FX Virtual Trial button on the top right of the screen.

Once the application is launched, and its requirements are verified, the download process will begin. As soon as this process is completed, the Software FX Virtual Trial window will be opened. It's that simple! You are now ready to test Chart FX product's end user experience with Virtual Trial.

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Your opinion counts. Please email us with your comments on your Virtual Trial experience.
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