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for Java Desktop

Simple integration, easy deployment and broad reach in one award-winning package.

Why Chart FX 7 for Java Desktop?

Chart FX 7 for Java Desktop is the most complete charting solution for your Swing-based apps. It provides all the advanced features you've come to expect from Chart FX with minimal integration efforts on both Eclipse & NetBeans IDEs.It's enhanced user interface provides end-user chart customization through intuitive menus, dialogs and toolbars, and it gives developers extreme flexibility for all their data visualization needs.

The most complete data visualization solution available for demanding Java developers.

Award winning solution 

Chart FX for Java provides developers an in-the-box solution for a wide variety of data visualization needs. Factor in Chart FX's 15+ year history of creating easy-to-use yet powerful components and you have an award-winning package.


Easy to Code and Integrate

Chart FX provides developers advanced charting features with minimal integration effort on both Eclipse and NetBeans IDEs. Drop a chart directly in your IDEs editor while you configure your UI. A Comprehensive property grid gives you access to 500+ properties at design time so you can configure your chart visually without any coding effort.

Enhanced User Interface

Chart FX provides end-user chart customization through intuitive menus, dialogs and toolbars. Users can export the charts to a variety of formats as well as store changes to a particular chart for future sessions, maximizing the usability and readability of your application's charts at the end-user level.


Specialized Functionality In-The-Box

Chart FX 7 for Java Desktop now includes 3 of our most powerful specialized data analysis tools: Chart FX for Java Maps, Chart FX for Java Statistical and Chart FX for Java Gauges.


Chart FX for Java Maps 

Chart FX Maps provides a full library of dynamic maps that you can integrate with Chart FX to display data graphically through objects in a map. Chart FX Maps, a .NET control, not only offers a comprehensive svg maps library, but it also allows the developer to add their own custom maps through the universal SVG standard.

Chart FX for Java Statistical 

Chart FX Statistical adds statistical analysis capabilities to your charting applications. Chart FX Statistical, a .NET control, seamlessly integrates to your Visual Studio development environment providing additional chart types, a myriad of pre-defined statistical studies, new classes for statistical calculations and much more.


Chart FX for Java Gauges 

Now Java developers can easily create digital dashboards with the productivity, consistency and reliability they've come to appreciate from other Software FX products.

Visual Attributes

With over 20 different chart types, customizable legends, ready-to-use color palettes, multiple and customizable axes, per-marker attributes, gridlines, background images and border objects, Chart FX allows you to create some of the most visually appealing charts in just minutes.


Data Analysis

Chart FX places an impressive array of data analysis tools at your disposal. Chart FX provides tools such as Maps, highlighting, statistical analysis, axis sections, conditional attributes and more.

Chart Population

Chart FX supports a vast variety of data population methods, including, passing data directly through the API, Resultset Binding, XML Files, Collections, Arrays, Arrays of Arrays, Text Files and Crosstab.


Comprehensive Support

Software FX is committed to providing the best possible support for all our products. With an extensive knowledge base, online articles, personalized support, community and more, you will find all the assistance you need to quickly integrate Chart FX into your application.

Voted Among JDJ's 4 Best Java Components

Chart FX for Java was recognized by JDJ readers in the recent Readers Choice Awards as one of the 'Best Java Components' after voting by more than 17,000 SYS-CON readers. "It is a significant accomplishment to be among the best 4 products in the world", says SYS-CON Group Publisher & Editorial Director Jeremy Geelan.

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