Chart FX 7 for Java Server (for Java 1.5+ Users) builds on the enterprise-quality technology base of Chart FX for Java 6.5 by adding a framework-independent, Ajax-based runtime UI which will allow your charts, maps and statistical representations
to provide rich user interface elements that have zero footprint or plugin requirements. We've also streamlined the API to made it more developer-centric and intuitive.
Specialized Functionality In-The-Box
Chart FX 7 for Java Desktop now includes 3 of our most powerful specialized data analysis tools: Chart FX for Java Maps, Chart FX for Java Statistical and Chart FX for Java Gauges.
Chart FX for Java Maps
Chart FX Maps provides a full library of dynamic maps that you can integrate with Chart FX to display data graphically through objects in a map. Chart FX Maps, a .NET control, not only offers a comprehensive svg maps library, but it also
allows the developer to add their own custom maps through the universal SVG standard.
Chart FX for Java Statistical
Chart FX Statistical adds statistical analysis capabilities to your charting applications. Chart FX Statistical, a .NET control, seamlessly integrates to your Visual Studio development environment providing additional chart types, a myriad
of pre-defined statistical studies, new classes for statistical calculations and much more.
Chart FX for Java Gauges
Now Java developers can easily create digital dashboards with the productivity, consistency and reliability they've come to appreciate from other Software FX products.
Visual Attributes
With over 20 different chart types, customizable legends, ready-to-use color palettes, multiple and customizable axes, per-marker attributes, gridlines, background images and border objects, Chart FX allows you to create some of the most visually
appealing charts in just minutes.
Chart Population
Chart FX supports a vast variety of data population methods, including, passing data directly through the API, Resultset Binding, XML Files, Collections, Arrays, Arrays of Arrays, Text Files and Crosstab.